Thursday, June 22, 2006


There is a great article about places to retire in the AARP magazine. I have friends who are retired. Even as recently as last year, I thought retirement was a bad idea. I thought people should keep working. It thought that working was an important part of contributing to the world. And it is. But there are many ways to contribute that don't include working everyday.

I strongly encourage everyone to work. The younger you are, the harder you should work. You have the energy. And then SAVE. Save all the money you possilbly can. Then retire.

I think retirement finally started to sound good to me when I started to learn how to relax. That started when my children got married, got jobs and started living completely independent lives. As I am perfecting the art of relaxing, retirement is becoming appealing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to have had a very busy lifestyle, and have done a variety of different things. Looking back, is there anything you wish you would have not done, done less of, or more of something else? Do you have any advice for a young adult who feels they need to simplify life, without wanting to miss out on things. There are so many thing to be involved in now days, and just not enough time. I find myself unsatisfied, even though I am so busy doing lots of things I like.

1:42 PM  
Blogger MotherlyAdvice4U said...

Looking back. That is a good thing to do sometimes to learn from your experiences. But I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past. I really don't think I would have done much differently. I spent time with my kids and quality time. I think a lot of people miss out on tha.

I think the variety was a big plus in growing wiser. I think being busy when you are young is very important. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to appreciate relaxing now.

I am sorry you are unsatisfied. If you are busy doing things you like, maybe you just need to learn to be a more optimistic person. Attitude can be learned and controlled. You sound like someone who has high standards. You might just need to be a little easier on yourself. Don't waste time being "down" or being critical of yourself.

3:56 PM  

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