The weather person said it will be 80 degrees today. Above average for our state for this time of year. Too hot for jeans.
Most women, and I suppose even men, have a difficult time putting on shorts after months of bulky, fat-hiding sweaters and jeans. Lucky for me, I actually lost weight since last summer. I started this morning with my Arbonne self-tanner too. In a few hours I will have enough color on my legs to feel OK in the shorts.
I recently attended a self-improvement seminar. The speaker said that most people can handle 3 months of just about anything, for example, winter. I think that is about right. Most people know that spring will follow winter and it makes the cold and snow tolerable.
He said if you have a goal, no matter how big the goal, make your plan for achieving the goal in 3 month increments. The weather is changing, maybe now is a good time to set a goal!