Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Child Safety Identity Kit

It is important to keep some type of record of your children in case they are lost. You can download a kit FREE from Hewlett Packard. There are other kits available, but this one was created with a government agency for child protection. And it is free, so no excuse not to do it!

If you have children, even teens or young adults, get the kit and get keep it updated.

When my son was young, he wore "dog tags" with identity information. Our community had experienced the disappearance of a paper boy. It was terrifying. I know I was an overprotective mother, but you "gotta do what you gotta do."

Monday, April 24, 2006


So beautiful here. Flowers and trees are blooming. Sun is shining. I suppose that nature is changing the world from dull winter to bright spring inspires us to get busy with our our spring cleaning.

Around here, there is a spring cleaning pickup day with our trash collection. It is pretty interesting to see all the things neighbors discard. Chairs, broken or ugly. Wood pieces from some project finished long ago. Suitcases, computer parts, any and all useless junk.

Or is it useless? Some people must think there is value in some of it. Those are the ones who drive around and collect the discarded items prior to trash day. It is an interesting parade. Pickup trucks, cars and even big flatbed trucks. Some travel during the day and others prefer to wait until after dark. I suppose they are a bit embarassed to be taking trash into their vehicle.

I need to prepare my pile of junk today. I like to put things out one at a time and then count the how long it takes before a "scavenger" selects each one. 5 minutes and I figure I should have kept that item. One hour isn't too bad. If an item is still at the curb on trash day, it is true trash and not treasure.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday and Easter

I used to look forward to Easter break. Now it is called Spring Break and it hardly ever falls at a time to include the actual weekend of Easter. I like that. I think Easter weekend should be reserved for family and church. A lot of people only go to church on Easter and Christmas. If Spring Break falls on Easter weekend and families are on a vacation trip, people may skip church.

Try to take a moment today to meditate. Whatever that means to you. And try to attend a church service on Easter. You will feel better. That's my "motherly advice" for today. Try to hear your own mother's voice in the message.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Spring follows Winter

The weather person said it will be 80 degrees today. Above average for our state for this time of year. Too hot for jeans.

Most women, and I suppose even men, have a difficult time putting on shorts after months of bulky, fat-hiding sweaters and jeans. Lucky for me, I actually lost weight since last summer. I started this morning with my Arbonne self-tanner too. In a few hours I will have enough color on my legs to feel OK in the shorts.

I recently attended a self-improvement seminar. The speaker said that most people can handle 3 months of just about anything, for example, winter. I think that is about right. Most people know that spring will follow winter and it makes the cold and snow tolerable.

He said if you have a goal, no matter how big the goal, make your plan for achieving the goal in 3 month increments. The weather is changing, maybe now is a good time to set a goal!