Sunday, January 22, 2006


Ahh, vacations. We need them. That is the advice for today. Take vacations. I know people who don't use all the vacations days that they get at their job. That is sad.

I am preparing for a wonderful vacation. I will share some stories when I return!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King day. There are stories in the newspaper about his life and about racism. Lots of important stuff to ponder. So here is my pondering:

When I was a cub scout den leader, my cub scouts trusted me. They would do anything I asked them to do. It was almost scary to me that children could be so trusting. I felt a huge responsibility to those boys and their parents.

That's the key. Children trust the adults in their lives.

As those adults, we have to use that trust to guide and teach our children. Children are not born with beliefs, we teach them. We can choose to teach prejudice, racism, hate, cowardice and dishonesty. Or we can choose to teach them love, peace, justice, courage and kindness.

Today is a good day to remember that.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Time Management

OK, so January is resolution month. Better time management will be on lots of lists for personal improvement in 2006.

But, gee, how to do that? There are lots of books on the topic and lots of advice out there. I have read some. But they just haven't helped.

When I was single with a full-time job, time management was easy. Get up at the same time M-F, go to work and then home to eat dinner and watch TV. Weekends: sleep and have fun. Life was simple.

When I had a family, I scheduled everything. I had a master calendar and things ran pretty smoothly. My kids helped around the house and my husband was great at pitching in, all I had to do was explain a task and they would do it. (Yes, explaining was the hard part!) Life was not simple, but I loved every minute of it. Well, almost every minute.

But now? What has happened? No kids to schedule and I cut back on working hours. I have a master calendar but I can't seem to stick to it. I am having more fun than ever and doing things I enjoy. But I am late for most appointments and end up rescheduling things that I don't have time for.

My theory is that the computer interrupts my life in a way that makes time management impossible. Oh, sure, simple answer: Schedule the time on the computer.

OK, so that is the advice for today: Schedule time on the computer so that it doesn't interrupt life. If anyone is successful at that, let me know!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Home Maintenance

January seems to be a good month for doing home maintenance projects inside the house. Touching up paint that has been scratched by ordinary wear and tear, dusting behind furniture that was moved to make room for the Christmas tree, and things like that. Yesterday was unseasonably warm and many people took walks around the park. I think they were escaping the list of home projects. Afterall, the list will still be useful next January.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Healthy Drink

My sister has been telling me that the "Naked Juice" brand health drink is good. I just tried the Berry Blast flavor and it was very good.

Want to lose weight? Eat less and move more.

Need a little help? I lost 25 pounds in 4 months using the weight loss chews from Arbonne. Yes, I sell the stuff, but I really like it too. The chews suppress the appetite and taste like a snack. Chocolate is my favorite. There is a new flavor, peanut butter, available for a limited time.

Another healthy eating tip: Buy organic meat. Too much of the meat sold today is hormone injected. That messes up the hormone levels in your body. See the previous post as to why you don't want any unnecessary hormone imbalances.

PMS is normal

Every man and woman should take care of themselves. Eat good foods, take vitamins, exercise and avoid stress. We all know this. We don't always do it, and that is how we end up unhealthy.

For each woman, part of staying healthy is to be in touch with her cycle. Yep, I am talking about it right here. That is part of the problem with women's health, we don't like to talk about certain things. Like PMS.

I bring it up because if your mother didn't talk about it, I am here to help you.

Hormones make women, well, women. We nurture our world. The world just wouldn't be the same without women. And women wouldn't be the same without our wonderful array of hormones. But, sure, the hormones fluctuate: pms. Ah, that makes us interesting!

To men: don't ever, ever blame hormones for a woman's behavior. Again to men: don't ever, ever blame hormones for a woman's behavior.

Now for women: Chart your cycle. Just jot down on any calendar the first day of your cycle. This is very important. You will know when to expect your pms and know if something is out of whack if your cycles aren't regular. This will also allow you to "plan your pms."

Since you know when your pms is going to happen, plan for it. Don't make any big decisions when you are pmsing. Avoid stress, caffeine and alcohol. Really, this will make a difference. Take extra progesterone, it may help. There are many OTC progesterone products, like Arbonne balancing creams, that are convenient to use.

PMS can be a wonderful thing. As is menopause. These are times when you can feel more intensely, feel more alive! Just be in touch with your cycle so you can use the intensity to enhance your life and not just be annoying.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Working mom or Stay at home mom

When my children were growing up, I stayed home for one year, worked away from home for 7 years, and worked from home for 12 years. So I have some experience on the topic of working vs staying home.

I always tell new moms that it is easy for a newborn through 4 year-old to go to daycare. Their needs are few and the socializing is good for them. It is hardest for a pre-teen and teenager to have mom work away from home. They need you!

It is hardest on mom to work when the baby is young. Caring for a baby is very rewarding and just plain fun. It is hardest to stay home when the children are older. They are demanding and difficult.

So, you see, it is mixed up. What is best for the kids is hardest on the mom.

Working from home isn't for everyone. It takes discipline. But it is the best compromise. I was in the minority when I worked from home 30 years ago. I think more and more parents and people in general will work from home. It is the trend, I believe.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

2006. Hard to believe that a new year has started. Do you make resolutions at the beginning of a new year? I think it is a good idea to create some resolutions or goals. Write them down too, that way you will have a greater chance of success.

Here are some ideas: Lose weight (that is always on the list). Be kinder. Learn something new. Do something to help someone else and do it without concern for how it will benefit you. Buy a new green plant and try to keep it alive for the whole year. Call an old friend. Find a new recipe and make it (this is a good Saturday night activity for a family or a couple). Quit a job you hate. Save money by eating at home more often and at restaurants less often. Listen.