Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Good Morning America had an interesting segment on today about tea. I like tea and drink a lot of iced tea. The big thing that the story points out is that you should drink tea that does not have a lot of added sugar. The Arbonne detox tea is a very good way to get the antioxident value of tea. Tea is a good thing to add to your diet for a healthy life.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


There is a great article about places to retire in the AARP magazine. I have friends who are retired. Even as recently as last year, I thought retirement was a bad idea. I thought people should keep working. It thought that working was an important part of contributing to the world. And it is. But there are many ways to contribute that don't include working everyday.

I strongly encourage everyone to work. The younger you are, the harder you should work. You have the energy. And then SAVE. Save all the money you possilbly can. Then retire.

I think retirement finally started to sound good to me when I started to learn how to relax. That started when my children got married, got jobs and started living completely independent lives. As I am perfecting the art of relaxing, retirement is becoming appealing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

BebePOD Chair

BebePOD - Baby's First Seat - Sage

Check out this great chair. It is by Prince Lionheart. I like the sage color, but it comes in blue and lilac too. Price is $34.99 at Target.

When you search the Target web site, look for BABY and then support seats. Another brand is the Bumbo Baby Sitter. It is probably just as functional, but frankly, the design is ugly. It costs $5 more too.

I love the pod chair! I bought one for my grandson when he was 4 months old. I can use it for feeding him or just to have him sit when I play with him. It is one of the best baby items I have seen in a long time.

Advice for moms's and grandma's: enjoy every minute, they are only little for a short time.